5th Grade Strings
Go Kali!
Go Kali!
The Oatmeal is the man!
Thanks for sending the pictures; Stacy and I hope you had an awesome time!
Perhaps one of the most interesting people I have ever met, albeit at just too young an age to truly appreciate the experience. I’d trade all the grains of sand on every beach to be able to visit with him … Continue reading
blatant stealing
I gotta show up for a workout with Stacy as the picture .. 😛 10×2 Squat Clean 5×1 Deadlift then, “Shoulder Burn Out“ 5 Rounds for Time: 10 Push Ups 10 Ring Holds to L-Sit 10 Ring Dips
I came across this op-ed in the NYT this morning: Mona Simpson’s Eulogy for her brother, Steve Jobs. Of all that’s been written, and the admittedly little that I have read, about Jobs’ life and his passing, I feel that … Continue reading