So, yesterday, at about 2:00pm, the tree across our street was struck by lightning. It was a dreary day, but I had not heard thunder once; the strike was totally out of the blue. Stacy had arrived back at the house about 10 minutes prior, so we were both inside. I was sitting at the kitchen table at my computer when it struck; everything was brilliantly bright for a moment, and it sounded much more like an explosion than any thunder I have ever heard. I figured we had a water heater explode myth-busters style to be honest. We started looking around to figure out what had happened and when we went outside, we saw a big hunk of tree trunk on the house side of Stacy’s truck and the windows broken out..
It turns out, that the tree across the street had been hit and the lower trunk exploded. It sent a 35-40 pound, 6 foot long piece of wood through her truck. It entered the passenger side door, caving it in, and exited the driver’s side window. It goes without saying how thankful we are that she was not in the car. Also, we’re happy the car was where it was; the next item in the trunk’s path of travel was our front door..
We ended up making both the channel 7 and channel 10 news as well as a photo on the inside of the front page in the local paper, the Amarillo Globe News, including a quote from me.
News Channel 10:
News Channel 7: